SaaSTech Today

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  • What is a Data Asset? Definition, Framework, Types and Examples

    What is a Data Asset? A data asset is defined as an enterprise resource that consists of structured or unstructured data such as customer information, transaction records, market trend, employee payroll data etc. Such data assets can be utilized to enhance decision-making, improve operations, drive innovation, and create competitive advantages. In today’s digital age, data…

  • What is Semi-Structured Data? Definition, Examples and Types

    What is Semi-Structured Data? Semi-structured data is defined as information that is not fully structured to follow traditional relational database formats, however, it does contain metadata and other properties for organizing the data. It therefore lies in between structured data and unstructured data. Unlike structured data, which fits neatly into tables with predefined schemas, semi-structured…

  • What is ETL Pipeline? Definition, Process and Examples

    What is ETL Pipeline? An ETL (extract, transform, load) pipeline is defined as a key process in the field of data engineering, used to efficiently extract, transform, and load data from various sources into a target database or data warehouse.  This pipeline plays a fundamental role in data integration and ensures that information is extracted…

  • What is ETL (Extract, Tranform, Load)? Definition, Process and Types

    What is ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)? ETL, which stands for extract, transform, load, is defined as a fundamental process in data management and analytics which is used for converting raw data from diverse sources into a format suitable for analysis and reporting.  The first step in ETL is extraction, involves gathering data from various sources,…

  • What is Structured Data? Definition, Examples and Types

    What is Structured Data? Structured data is defined as organized and formatted information that is easily understandable by both humans and machines, characterized by a clear and predefined data model of rows and columns within a database or spreadsheet.  The structure allows for efficient storage, retrieval, and analysis of data. Unlike unstructured data, which lacks…